09-19-17 Political Round Table
Part 1: David Jones, Making Maine Great Again PAC, Dr. Demi Kouzounas, Chair of the ME Republican Party, Gordon Draper, Maine Patriot PAC and Ray discuss the Unitied Nations and the fact that we give them 8 BILLION dollars a year and Terrorist and keeping the world safe.
Part 2: Tonya J Powers updates us on the Trump speech to the UN. Assistant House Republican Leader, Ellie Espling is joining us. She announces The SHE Leads Fall Conference on 10/27-29. For more information, Click Here.
Part 3: Health Care votes are coming back. Will it be reformed this time? What about Medicare?
Part 4: Medicare and the costs and how much will be covered? This is a program built on a House of Lies.
Part 5: Columbus Day conversation continues