09-26-17 Political Roundtable
Part 1: The panel talked Susan Collins and the Graham-Cassidy bill. Call Sen. King: (202) 224-5344 and Sen. Susan Collins: (202) 224-2523.
Part 2: Rachel Sutherland starts us off with the Jared Kushner email scandal. Didn’t we learn anything from Hillary? Rich Gives lots of stories. He starts with the Songo Locks Bridge.
Part 3: Rich defines our government leadership. “We like our jerk more than we like their jerk.” North Korea declared war on us and nobody knows.
Part 4: Panel goes back to Maine and the Graham-Cassidy Bill. Maine would gain and Collins said NO!!! Collins is taking money out of your pocket! Repeal ObamaCare!!!
Part 5: $4.50 for a cup of water at Gillette Stadium after they ran out of bottled water. It is more expensive than gas. Politics at it’s best!