11-10-17 Shawn Moody
Part 1: Ray teases Shawn about announcing. Tim Wilson talks about his brothers that served, on a Tuskegee Airmen, one was a Master Sargent and is still alive at 92. Then Tim talks a little about his brother that came back and ended up committing suicide and the wonderful organization Yellow Tulip Project. Ray tells the story of Roy Earl about him joining underage. Joe tells the story of his dad as a Alaska and his ship being sunk. Then Ray tells the story of Dee Dee’s dad living in
Alaska when she was born, living on Richardson Drive on Fort Richardson.
Part 2: Ray, Tim Wilson, Shawn Moody and Joe Bruno discuss Medicaid Expansion in the second segment.
Part 3: Ray asks Shawn about his ideas to reform Maine. Tim Wilson get all riled up on the school expansions and the accountability of the school system/government. This is an awesome segment. We talked a lot about school, vocational schools and technology.