04-11-18 AARP & Alzheimer’s Association
Ray is joined in studio by Jane Margesson of AARP Maine and Laurie Trenholm of Alzheimer’s Association. They discuss what the signs to
look for in diagnosing Alzheimer’s. If it is found, unfortunately, there isn’t anything you can do which is why we need to have more research. November is National Caregiver’s month. We have to raise awareness of this disease and remind people that it isn’t just an old person’s disease. For more information on AARP Maine you can contact Jane statewide 1-866-554-5380, Email: ME@aarp.org, Facebook: www.facebook.com/aarpmaine, Twitter: www.twitter.com/aarpmaine, Website: www.aarp.org/me. For more information on the Alzheimer’s Association contact Laurie at 24/7 Helpline: 1.800.272.3900, Email: ltrenholm@alz.org, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/endALZmaine.