05-07-18 Mini Political Panel
Part 1 & 2: Fox News Radio’s Eben Brown joins Ray and Roy Lenardson by phone to discuss the National Rifle Association’s convention that happened over the weekend in Dallas, Texas. Then Demi Kouzounas, Republican Party Leader, joins us after the Maine Republican Convention that took place in Augusta on Friday and Saturday. The discussion continues on candidates and issues that took place during the convention.
Part 3 & 4: The Maine Republican Party has gone to the Federal courts to fight Ranked Choice Voting. Roy, Ray and Demi discuss the possibilities and reasons behind RCV. Fox News Radio’s Jon Decker joins them to talk about what’s happening with Pres. Trump. But before that he and Ray talk about Jon’s book again. Ray, Jon and Roy talk about the Stormy Daniels scandal. They also talk about Gina Haskell who was nominated by President Trump for CIA director and her position on torture.
Part 5: The discussion is on the media. Editorials have become viscous. A lot of the papers are leaning one way.
Part 6: The panel takes a call from Gordon about a couple of her speeches at the Convention. The conversation continues on how women need to be strong and self confident. It isn’t easy to be a woman in a man’s world, but we can all work together. Discussion turned to Mother’s Day and kids. Somehow it ended up on the Karaoke Party that Demi hosted on Friday night.
Part 7: Ray gets a rundown on the personalities of Roy and Demi and their political resume.