06-05-18 Political Roundtable
Part 1: David Jones, Rep. Rich Cebra and Gordon Draper join Ray and Debi to discuss the Maine Legislature. Will they go back for a special session?
Part 2: Portland Mayor Ethan Strimling joins the panel by phone. Ray questions the Mayor on how to fix the roads in Portland. Ray and Ethan talk about priorities.
Part 3: The panel talk about tax cuts and they continue the discussion about Trump’s tweets. They also discuss elected people and how is it that they become swamp people. Money spent on elections is a topic of discussion as well. Ellie Espling joins the panel just in time to discuss some of the Democratic candidates. They also mention how is RCV going to affect this election.
Part 4: The panel talk about the movie Dave and think that maybe Ray and David Jones should “help” the Mayor with his budget.
Part 5: Demi Kouzounas joins the panel. They continue the discussions on candidates running for office. Vote no on Question 1 to repeal. Ray explains ranked choice voting again.
Part 6: Gubernatorial Candidate and House Minority Leader Ken Fredette join the panel. Ray asks him what are his thoughts on the campaign. They talk about how quiet this campaign is so far on both sides of the isle.
Part 7: The panel discuss whether or not the Legislature will re-convene continues. It seems that they keep changing the rules. Ray asks what is the reasoning behind the rule changes. Ray asks Ken about Sara Gideon not understanding what a good path we are on and why won’t she continue it. Ray also asks him about government growth. Great discussion this morning….for more information about Ken or his campaign, visit his website kenfredette.com.