06-07-18 Ray
Part 1: Ray goes off the rails about the Presidential pardon of Alice Marie Johnson. He gets upset because of Chuck Schumer and Corey Booker’s responses to the pardon. Ray takes a call from Florida about Mary and our Governor’s race. Ray then tries to show the truth about Medicaid Expansion.
Part 2: Ray goes back to Ranked Choice Voting. He reiterates how important it is to get out and vote. Every Republican and Independent needs to get their voice heard.
Part 3: Ray wants people to really understand what is happening in our country. Medicaid Expansion is just a way to keep people under the government’s control. Ranked Choice Voting is just a way to rig the voting process. The liberals don’t want photo ID’s at the voting polls.
Part 4: Ray preaches about uplifting the Maine people and empowering them. Don’t let the people in Augusta tell you decide how much you are worth. Let’s keep the good things that have been achieved in the last few years. He also stresses again how important it is to go and VOTE!