06-29-18 Sad Times
Part 1: Ray is joined Joe Bruno and the Humble but Mighty John….first topic this morning is the sad news out of Annapolis, Maryland about the gunman that opened fire in the Capital Gazette newsroom. They also hit on the Supreme Court nominations and the importance of protecting the constitution. The nomination is no longer based on qualifications, but on politics.
Part 2: Ray plays Andy Grammer’s Good to be Alive. Mighty John Marshall gives us a preview on some of the records to be on the watch for and the briefly talk about the proposed homeless facility at the Barron Center in Portland on the Westbrook line.
Part 3: Ray, teases Joe and Mighty John. Mighty John gives a list of ten 45’s that are worth up to $1,000. They boys also talk a little history of records. If you would like more information about a record, contact Mighty John at www.moneymusic.com.