07-09-18 Whole Lot Goin’ On
Part 1: Ray touches on the vote happening in Augusta today on the bills that Gov. LePage has vetoed. Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland joins by phone to discuss the nominations. Pres. Trump will be giving his “Prime Time” announcement tonight. There are two swing votes, Sen. Susan Collins, (R. Maine) and Sen. Lisa Murkowski, (R. Alaska). Ray and Debi talk about the boys trapped in a cave in Thailand.
Part 2: Ray continues on the Veto of bills that are in front of the Maine House. Assistant Minority House Leader Ellie Espling will be joining us later this am. Ray and Debi talk about the Democratic Party and how they have changed. Debi would like them to go back to the party.
Part 3: The Pine Tree Zone program, created in 2003 as a way to spur economic activity in hard-pressed corners of the state, offers reimbursements and tax credits to qualified businesses. OPEGA estimated that this year the state will lose $12.1 million in tax revenue through the program. George Gervais, the DECD commissioner oversees the program.