08-09-18 100 Things to do in Portland
Ray and Debi welcome Bob Witkowski from Visit Portland and author of 100 Things to do in Portland Maine Before You Die. Bob gives an advance look into some of the fun things happening in Portland in the next few weeks. He mentions the MS Harborfest. It is a three-day festival (August 17-19, 2018) of sailboats, tugboats, and lobster boats. He also promotes the Sea Dogs Field of Dreams game on August 29th against the New Hampshire Fisher Cats. For more information on the Harbor events, visit their website, http://main.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR/Special/MAMGeneralEvents?pg=entry&fr_id=30007. It’s a scene right out of the movie as the Sea Dogs wear old tyme uniforms and emerge from a cornfield. For more information on this and other Sea Dog promotions, visit www.milb.com/portland/tickets/promotions.