08-20-18 Maine…the way life should be!!!
Part 1: Ray continues his thoughts on the position of Governor. The State budget and how important this election will be if we want to continue on the path of lower taxes. He takes a call and they discuss the budget.
Part 2: Ray talks about the opioid problem facing our country and more importantly our state.
Part 3: Ray lays out some of the things that could help Maine grow. One of the things is the cellphone coverage. Broadband is something else that will help Maine inviting to outside companies. Shipping goods in and out of the state. Rail service is not dead, but it not used to the full potential. What do we need to do to make Maine Great? When do we hear this conversation in Augusta?
Part 4: Ray continues on what will it take to make Maine great. He takes a really quick call who confirms Ray’s statement on the cellphone and internet coverage.