08-21-18 Go Gentle Into Thy Good Night!
Part 1: Ray starts off talking about the Governor’s comments. Ray takes a call from Fox News Radio’s Jon Decker. Jon is a great big fan of Ray’s. They get into Mueller probe and Pres. Trump’s comments. He reminds us that we are also waiting on the Manafort trial. Ray asks Jon as an attorney, his thoughts on the trial. Jon said that there was a precedent for a pardon.
Part 2: David Jones joins Ray this morning and they talk about Tucker Carlson. Ray reads a story about Jakiw Palij, who immigrated to the United States in 1949 and became a citizen in 1957 after concealing his Nazi background. He is a former Nazi SS labor camp guard and was deported from his home in Queens, N.Y., to Germany.
Part 3: Ray and David talk about some of the epidemics we face as a society. The opioid problem is not just a one pronged fix. He also quotes some stats on suicide. This is also another facet that society is facing.