08-29-18 F.O. Bailey Real Estate
Part 1: Ray and David Jones, owner of FO Bailey Real Estate, are joined by Conner Richardson, RE Agent. The discussion this morning is about F.O. Bailey and its history. Henry Bailey opened in 1819. Then the business transferred to Bailey’s son, Frederick O. Bailey in 1867. Then to business partner Neal Allen in 1912 and then to the Piscopo family in 1977. Finally David and his wife Nancy bought it in 2014. She has an antique business. He sells the outside, she sell the inside.
Part 2: The boys talk about a couple of their listings. Call David or Conner today. By dealing with local businesses you can form working relationships. David’s contact information is office: 207-781-1111, cell: 207-650-3455 or email: info@fobailey.com and Conner’s is: cell 207-570-8528 or email: conner@connerrichardson.com.