10-09-18 Political Roundtable
Part 1: Ray is joined by David Jones and State Sen. Candidate Ellie Espling. They talk about how the economy is doing. They talk about Maine legislature’s spending and how we need to attract young people to work so we can continue the good things happening in Maine. They talk about the Reagan years and how the economy flourished.
Part 2: Ray, David and Ellie continue the discussion on the economic dependence that we as a state and a nation are growing out of in the last two years.
Part 3: The panel is joined by Westbrook City Councilor candidate Deb Shangraw and Gordon Draper, Maine Patriot PAC. This segment’s discussion is about the Supreme Court nomination and the nasty tactics of the other side, before they even named a nominee. They also talk about Pres. Trump and his tactics. The people need to look through the weeds and see the truth in our economy. Ray explains his reasons for supporting Sen. Susan Collins. He also talks about the issues in Chicago and the Democrats’ circling of the wagons during Clinton’s administration when he was accused.
Part 4: Ray plays a clip from Juanita Broaddrick in which she proclaims that Pres. Clinton raped her. Ray tells her story.
Part 5: GOP Chair Demi Kouzounas joins the panel and they discuss Senator Susan Collins. How Susan has spoken for a lot of the people in our country regarding her outrage at how the media, hysteria and lynch mob mentality that went with this nomination. Our media doesn’t report in a non-biased manner. Emotion has taken over reason in our country. Ray talks about Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, her vote and her statement “My decision wasn’t about politics—it was about using my own judgment & doing the right thing.” They also talk about Kavanaugh’s anger. Ellie challenges Ray on his statement of support for Collins. The panel discusses Roe v. Wade and how they came to the decision in this case.
Part 6: Ray plays a clip of an interview of Pres. Obama about his ObamaCare tax.
Part 7: They briefly talk about Obama and the Cambridge arrest. Ray talks about the polarization of Obama and how the media is continuing down that path. Demi explains when she realized the division of our country. They talk about when and how our country has had a division in race, cops, blacks, military, men and women. Ray states it is a divide and conquer tactic. Ellie talks about how we need to follow the money that is funding different candidates. Any commercial has a disclaimer at the bottom or at the end that states who paid for the ad. The Democrats have a lot of out of state money funding their campaigns. Follow the money. We don’t need to have out-of-state entities telling us how to live our lives.
Part 8: Ray gives his Ray of Hope. He talks about Ellie Wainwright from yesterday’s show and what a brilliant young woman that would love to be President some day.