10-16-18 Political Roundtable
Part 1: The panel starts with Ray, David Jones of Making Maine Great Again, Maine Patriot PAC’s Gordon Draper, ME House Candidate Guy Lebida and ME Rep. Nate Wadsworth. The discussion is about the Obama administration and whether the truth should come out and be prosecuted.
Part 2: Westbrook City Council Candidate Deb Shangraw joins the panel and their is a discussion about shoes. Ray addressees Guy and his focus for his district. Somehow they get onto nutmeg and Guy brings it back to his efforts with the House.
Part 3: The panel discuss the disintegration of the social graces of our country. The socialist left attacking the other side. They talk about how the laws need to be upheld and if the judges won’t do it, they need to be unseated and filled with someone that will. Nate brings up that all of this is happening in the good times. Gordon explains what “dark money” is and who is behind funding these people. Ray brings back the discussion of a bill that Guy has been trying to get passed to protect our 1st responders. Female Genital Mutilation is also talked about. A caller calls in about FGM and the “education” of culture.
Part 4: Ray describes our drive through Nate’s district on Sunday!
Part 5: They talk about how important it is to vote. Every person has a vote and every vote counts. David urges absentee voting. They talk about Nate Wadsworth and his family’s lineage. David talks about the customers that come into his shop and his consensus on their opinion of the economy. Ray asks the question of the panel about the Shawn Moody accusation in the New York Times.
Part 6: They talk about how some of the different races are going. Is there going to be a “red” wave going through Maine?
Part 7: Ray reads a quote and asks the panel to guess who said it. They talk about Hillary and the “true” Hillary. The playbook that was dedicated to Satin that the Democrats have been following. They talk about the Maine House races and recruitment. The Panel talks about how Republicans need to stand up and own what we believe. We need to stand together against the left.
Part 8: Ray plays the Lone Ranger theme and reads a story about kneeling for the cross and standing for the flag and the Democrat that was asked to resign because he was being racist.