10-17-18 Capitalism
Part 1: Ray and Bill have a discussion on Capitalism. The boys expand on the discussion from the Stop the Scam segment. The left wants to give everything away and believes that government should fund everyone. Ray gives specific examples of how our government is involved in our personal lives.
Part 2: Ray, Bill and Debi talk about the Referendum Question process. Debi would like to change it. Bill says it can’t be without a lot of hassle. Debi says Terry Hayes has a great idea of letting legislation make the laws, not the people that put forth the question. They talk about how important the open hearings are on these referendum questions. The Stop the Scam was used as an example.
Part 3: Ray and Bill talk about Dave Brackett. Ray is still humbled by the streaming numbers off of WLOB Radio’s website. Ray gives a shout out to MSSPA.