10-22-18 Toys for Tots
Part 1: Deb Shangraw of Emerald Management representing Maine Real Estate Management Association (MREMA), brings in two handsome Marines again. Gunnery sergeant (GySgt) Drew Roberson and Sgt. Keith Roy. Keith is the Toys for Tots Coordinator and Drew is Assistant Coordinator. They talk about their mission and praise a volunteer that passed away. Deb announced that Joe Bruno and Community pharmacy will be selling their paper trains with a competition between his stores. Trains cost $1 and bring in a lot of money. If you would like to sell these in your establishment or would like to hold your own fun competition, contact Deb Shangraw.
Part 2: They talk about the toys that they were able to hand out last year. They will be holding an event at Flight Deck Brewery in Brunswick on November 14th. For more information visit their website: https://topsham-me.toysfortots.org/local-coordinator-sites/lco-sites/default.aspx today.