10-30-18 Political Roundtable
Part 1: Ray talks about Eastpoint Church and describes the music and dynamic. He and Ellie talk about the Pastor, Scott Taube, and his message. Ray, Ellie and David talk about the safe space that the church gives and mental and spiritual healing that continues during the week. Ellie and Ray both reminds people that people get their healing from GOD, not GOV. State Rep. Nate Wadsworth brings in State House District 22 candidate Mark Blier.
Part 2: Ray introduces Nate and Mark and goes into Hallmark Channel. They named Wordsworth and not Wadsworth and Ray thought it was a mistake.
Part 3: Ray says there is a citizens initiative to stop political commercials on Hallmark. The panel is joined by Westbrook Council Candidate Deb Shangraw. They take a call about Congressional Candidate Mark Holbrook. They continue the discussion on voting Republican and party lines.
Part 4: The panel welcomes State GOP Chair Demi Kouzounas. They finally let Mark talk. Ray asks why he chose to run for office.
Part 5: The panel takes a call about Referendum Question 1. The panel gives some of the background of where it came from and lists some of the people that are against it. This is a hard left idea and construct funded by out-of-state money. There was no public hearing for LD1864. Here is a link to the first discussion on the Maine House floor. http://sg001-harmony.sliq.net/00281/Harmony/en/PowerBrowser/PowerBrowserV2?viewMode=1&&fk=74942#. This is a link to the Summery page for LD 1864. Which lead to the Referendum Question 1. (http://legislature.maine.gov/LawMakerWeb/summary.asp?ID=280068173)
Part 6: The panel touched on the Senate Debate again.
Part 7: Ray and the panel talk about News Center Maine and the Debate from last night.
Part 8: Deb brings up a Hillary Clinton interview that she says that Hillary said something racist. They discuss how it is okay the Dems to be “racist”, but if anyone thought Obama’s policies were wrong, they were racist. They all agree, we need to get out and vote on Tuesday!!!!!