11-16-18 Your Vote Counts
Part 1: Ray strongly states that the reason we got beat so bad is that people didn’t get out and vote. The left ran a “scary” campaign on healthcare. The conservative side never combat the lies of the left. Ray takes a call from Larry. Then takes a call from Secretary of State Matt Dunlap. They talk about how the minority of the population is making all of the decisions.
Part 2: Sec. of State and Ray continue their discussion.
Part 3: Ray talks about how we need to get a handle on spending. He talks about how crazy the education budget has gotten. Bill from Casco calls in to agree with Ray and congratulate Lizzi on her new car from Rowe Ford. State Rep. Wayne Parry joins Ray in studio.
Part 4: They talk about what happened in the election. Wayne says that we didn’t have answers to the statements on the left. Ray states that Healthcare was the number one issue. Wayne says the Republicans don’t have a strategy.