12-10-18 Sam the Bottle Man
Sam the Bottle Man, the cutest now 10 year old, is raising money for the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital for the 3rd year in a row. Drop off your bottles from 8am to 5pm..any day at the South
Portland Redemption Center….Come meet Sam at South Portland Redemption Center at 753 Broadway. He tells Ray about this history of his mission and what are some of the things he has been able to purchase for the kids!! If you would like to donate money, you can send a check to South Portland Redemption Center, 173 Broadway, South Portland, ME 04106 or find him on Facebook. The second half of this segment, Ray talks about Wreaths Across America. They are on the way to Arlington making stops along the way. Click here for a list of their schedule. Wreaths Across America Saturday is in Arlington Cemetery in Arlington, VA on Sat. Dec,15th.