12-18-17 Washington
Part 1: Ray topic this segment is about Former FBI Director James Comey. He slammed Republicans for not speaking out against Pres. Trump’s attacks on the FBI. Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland joins Ray in the discussion and end up talking about Comey’s attack on Fox.
Part 2: Ray talks about Former President Bill Clinton and then Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch and the meeting they had on the airport tarmac during the Hillary Clinton Investigation.
Part 3: Ray reads an article on FoxNew.com about Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hasn’t yet started her new job, but she’s already taking a break according to her Instagram.
Part 4: Ray takes a call with a question about why he is so disrespectful to an incoming Congressperson. Ray addresses him and answers his question. Ray then reads a study on the benefits of sex. He then reads another story about a polar vortex heading our way.