01-04-19 It’s Friday!!!!
Part 1: Joe Bruno is in the house! He and Ray talk about The Good Life Market in Joe’s neck of the woods. They talk about Medicaid expansion and Gov. Mills signed it into law yesterday. They also talk about a new bond issue that came in for a study on the height of water in Maine.
Part 2: They talk about illegal immigration, which turns into Merkle and the One World Government.
Part 3: Ray talks about one of the first bills put in is to aid funding for an abortion. Lois Galgay Reckitt has sponsored the bill LD 20 to provide taxpayer funding of abortions in Maine.
Part 4: The boys start this segment with the Wall and Southern border. Ray stresses that he feels bad for the people that are caught up in the Federal Government Shutdown. They are talking about all of the elected people that are already talking about a recession is right around the corner. They talk about the surplus that LePage left and how quickly it will disappear. How are businesses especially in rural areas going to handle mandatory sick leave and $15 per hour wages.
Part 5: Joe explains how the pharmacy business works. The pharmacy doesn’t set the price of drugs, it is the pharmaceutical companies. Not to mention all of the payments from insurance companies and the state.