01-04-19 Joe Bruno Friday
Part 1: Joe talks about his trip to New York a week before Christmas. He and Mrs. Bruno ate dinner at an Australian restaurant. They talk about eating kangaroo. They take a call who has eaten it before. Joe was disappointed in trip. It wasn’t awe inspiring. Even Tiffany’s was a disappointment, there was no excitement for Christmas.
Part 2: They have a quick discussion about grandchildren.
Part 3: Joe is concerned about the incoming Maine administrations. Joe is worried about retribution from some of the people in office. The talk about teachers and how they are paid. They also talk about the media. They talk about Gov. Mills and what she is willing to fight for. Will she stand up to the legislature. Ray feels that she will be fiscally responsible, but he worries about the social issues. They take a call about teachers and ends up with the vulgarity being used.
Part 4: Ray plays a clip from Fox and Friends about the slain police officer and a fundraiser to help pay off his mortgage.
Part 5: Ray and Joe talk about the media’s outrage that they changed a department name back when LePage first took office. However, when Gov. Mills did it, there was no mention at all about it. There number of jobs have gone up federally, but they are not reporting it. It is more important for them to get Pres. Trump out of office than it is to tell the truth.