01-08-19 It’s Time To Stand Up and Be Counted
Part 1: Ray is joined by David Jones, Making Maine Great Again, Demi Kouzounas, Maine GOP Chair, Debi and Dee Dee. They briefly talk about the snow and how bad it is out there. They take a call from one of Ray’s old friends from one of his favorite old breakfast place before it closed, The Little Blue House. The chef is back in Maine in Brunswick at the Odd Duck FSE, located at 11 Pleasant Street. The discussion turns to Mother-in-Laws and snow.
Part 2: They talk about snow and singing.
Part 3: The group talks about how we need to start standing up for what we believe. How are the left is squeeking the loudest and we need to start standing up to the crazy ideas.
Part 4: The group takes a call from Arthur Langley and Demi’s bid for re-election for the Maine GOP Chair.