01-11-19 Southern Border
Part 1: Ray touches on several different topics in this short segment.
Part 2: Ray reads a story about the US pulling out of Syria. Ray talks about Gen. Mattis and his resignation. He talks about Pres. Trump and border security. Ray lays it out in plain terms about how the government/media is jerking us around.
Part 3: Ray invites callers to call in. He also talks about the text line.
Part 4: Ray reads a text message from a listener from the southern border. He reads a story about a California church that is under attack for their sign, saying “Bruce Jenner is still a man. Homosexuality is still a sin. The culture may change. The Bible does not.” Ray takes a call about where the people are crossing the border. Ray takes another call about Pres. Trump not backing down from his principle goal of border security.