01-29-19 Political Roundtable
Part 1: Ray, Debi and David continue to discuss tires. LD 213 – and the language of the measure reads: “Beginning December 1, 2019, automobiles registered in this State may not be operated from the 2nd day of October to the last day of April without appropriate snow tires or all-weather tires…”
Part 2: So Ray goes back to the Affordable Care Act by reading a story. Ray gives a couple of observations…what have they (Sara Gideon and Troy Jackson) got as a personal histories to be able to tell us how to run our lives.
Part 3: Ellie Espling joins the group. She gives us a brief update on her trip to New Mexico. They continue on the Democratic need to control every aspect of our lives. Maine GOP Chair Demi Kouzounas joins in the fun.
Part 4: Ray asks Ellie about being environmentally conscious. She gives her thoughts on the subject. Ray talks about some of the ideas that the Dems have about global warming and environmental issues.
Part 5: Ray asks Ellie about her thoughts on the Government Shutdown/Wall and the border crossings. She gives some of her thoughts. Ray states that all of the Dems in Leadership are saying that we are not seeing a crisis in the immigration. There are a lot of thoughts and all of the panel express them. The consensus of the panel is that the people in office basically wants to turn the United States into a Socialist society.
Part 6: They talk about the arrest of Roger Stone and how did CNN know about it and be on site even before Roger Stone’s lawyer. Ray continues the description of his arrest. Ray also questions why Clinton hasn’t had the same treatment by the FBI, even after we all know that she has lied.
Part 7: Ray reads a couple of e-mails from Bob of K’bunk. The discussion about the difference of how we treat our animals and and the laws on animal cruelty and the way we treat the innocent human baby. Ray talks about the fact that not only in NY can they kill baby up until it is born, but they cannot even help a baby that survives an abortion. The bottom line is that this is Good vs Evil. Ray also brings up the Gender X on a New York birth certificate. They take a call and she talks about her husband and a discussion between friends.
Part 8: Ray reads a story about winter tire requirements in Canada. Ray points out that Canada doesn’t require them in all of their providences, so why should Maine. Ray asks Ellie about passing the healthcare bill.