02-05-19 Political Roundtable
Part 1: Ray, Debi Davis, David Jones and Dee Dee are joined in studio this morning by Ellie Espling and Cumberland County District Attorney Jonathan Sahrbeck. Ray and Jonathan discuss some of the plans to combat the opioid problem in Cumberland Country. Jonathan wants to have a broad based committee that will be able to come up with a comprehensive plan of attack and implement the plan. Ellie describes the Legislature’s procedure on “fixing” a problem.
Part 2: The discussion continues on the opioid crisis. They talk about Colorado and how the DUI accidents have gone up. Ray and Jonathan talk about the trial aspects of attacking the issue and how TV hasn’t helped.
Part 3: Jonathan talks about a study that was taken and the results that are crazy. This evolves into a discussion about addictive personalities and they take a call from Dave in Westbrook and his history and thoughts on addictive personalities.
Part 4: (Not Recorded due to technical difficulty.) Debi started the segment Mary Poppins theme and Ray joking around. For more information or to contact Jonathan districtattorney@cumberlandcounty.org or website: http://www.cumberlandcounty.org/184/District-Attorney.
Part 5: Jonathan leaves and GOP Chair Demi Kouzounas joins the panel and Ray poses the question, Will the President announce a State of Emergency? The panel talk about Pelosi and the Democrats. They talk about the left’s agenda and how divided our country has become. There are deep divides in our country that are not political, but philosophical. Slavery, Secession, Segregation and Socialism is the Master plan of the Democratic Party.
Part 6: Ray and Ellie discuss the Democratic Party…
Part 7: Ray reads a story about Gladys Knight and a warning from CNN’s Don Lemon about being doing the National Anthem. Ellie tells people that they need to start making a difference with whatever you are comfortable in doing. She gives some great ideas. Ray talks about the different ideas that have come forward. There are right and wrong reasons.
Part 8: The discussion continues on what do we need to do to combat the evil out there….