02-22-19 Thanks for Listening
Part 1: Ray and Joe field a call from a Buxton man wanting help with an investigation into his son’s overdose death.
Part 2: Ray and Joe take a call from Gordon Draper about the CMP Corridor.
Part 3: The boys take another call about the corridor and how they are actually good for the wildlife and hunters. He will also be able to get broadband. They also talk about the fact that CMP acquired this land by purchasing it, not just taking it. Dee Dee points out that the snowmobilers use the CMP lines as a roadway. Another caller discusses that energy used to be a lot cheaper and Joe points out that getting ready of the nuclear power is a mistake. Ray applauds Gov. Mills on her decision to support the corridor.
Part 4: Ray and Joe laugh about his music choice of Coming to America and the corridor.