03-01-19 Shawn Moody
Part 1: Ray and Shawn talk about Gorham School Resource Officer Wayne “Pooch” Drown, a 35-year veteran of the local force. They discuss his history and dedication to his community. He didn’t have a problem calling someone out when they did something wrong and had high expectations, but a lot of love in his heart. He understood the importance of personal interaction. This leads to Ray saying “Lead Where You Live.”
Part 2: Really short segment…they boys touch on CMP corridor.
Part 3: They boys take a call from Pete McVety of Stoves of Maine with a huge sale he has going on and Pete and Ray discuss the need for the sale. Ray and Shawn continues the CMP Corridor and the need for a real need for some strong negotiations to get the right deal for Maine. It is key that this deal is based on a recurring need.
Part 4: They talk about the how to make the CMP pay for itself and how the Gov. was against it while running for office.