03-04-19 Nice Little Bow
Part 1: Ray had a long Democratic string this morning and he followed it all the way around the block and then tied it in a bow. He started with the 2019 CPAC and Pres. Trump’s speech, which lead to Hillary Clinton’s comments. He talks about the popular vote and quickly hits the Electoral Vote Compact and Augusta, then Mueller Investigation and emails and Russia collusion. He takes a call and they talk about the caller’s frustration with our elected folks. Ray ties the sting into a really nice bow.
Part 2: Ray takes a call from Larry who had a chance to visit the Westbrook Performing Arts Center in person. He gives kudos to Westbrook for such a nice facility.
Part 3: Ray touches on the Electoral Compact and is it Constitutional. He also mentioned that the elected folks in Augusta don’t really care what you think or would like, because they are willing to give away your voice.
Part 4: Ray welcomes Radio Personality Mike Violette in studio and they talk about the snow and weather, then touch on the Caribou High School Basketball Game and how important sports play in their lives, which leads to football/soccer. They take a call to discuss Maine politics.
Part 5: They talk about Augusta and the crazy ideas they have.