03-22-19 BE BOLD!!!!
Part 1: Ray stands up for Chick-fil-a. He is disappointed that WGME chose to report on a report by ThinkProgress. Chick-fil-A donated $1.8 million to groups that discriminate against the LGBTQ community, according to a report from ThinkProgress. Ray continues with all of the good things that as a company Chick-fil-a supports and what ThinkProgress supports.
Part 2: Ray continues on the right vs left. The left usually has no problem being in your face with the beliefs, but conservatives will not stand up with their beliefs. Ray continues with the abortion and when does life begin. When the heart stops beating, you’re considered dead…so when it starts, you are alive.
Part 3: Ray reads a title of a story about the Radical Democrats vs Conventional Democrats. He also mentions MoveOn.org and their hatred and everything that they advocate. He names the anti-Semitism in Washington. He talks about Kamala Harris who wants to legalize prostitution. Ray also talks about what is happening in Augusta. They want you to believe in GOV instead of GOD! They are wrong and loud and we are right and silent!
Part 4: Ray takes a call from a non-driver who thinks that they should tax the proposed electric charging stations that Ray mentioned earlier so that it would be fair taxation for the roads. Ray takes another call on the same subject.