03-29-19 Ray Lets Loose!
Part 1: Ray continues on with President’s rally and Adam Schiff thoughts. Fox News Radio’s Jon Decker continues with Jon’s thoughts on the President’s rally.
Part 2: Ray plays some more of President Trump clips and takes a call from Sue. She urges people to make sure they teach their children and that they know the truth, because the schools have an agenda and don’t teach them balanced information.
Part 3: Ray plays another Trump clip. He then goes on the American government’s role in the illegal immigrants and our southern border. There is an emergency that none of the Democrats are willing to acknowledge. We need to address the Birkenstock crowd and combat their idealistic ideas. DACA never did what they said it would because all that elected folks want is to say they did something. Ray tells us how he really feels about a lot of different topics.
Part 4: Ray plays the very last part of last night’s rally in Michigan.