04-03-19 Eastpoint Christian Church
Ray welcomes a couple of youth pastors. Graham Strondak, Young Adults Pastor, and Fred Thompson, Resident Middle School Director, a couple of youth pastors from Eastpoint Church Christian Church. Ray asks them to tell their faith journey. They describe the atmosphere of The Point (which is free to the public). The Point is a community center that has a play place, basketball court and indoor soccer field. The boys talk about how welcoming

Graham Strondak
Eastpoint is to all walks of life. This is a very active place, not just on Sunday.
Fred believes that the Portland area are ready to receive God’s word. Graham explains that financial burdens are a big part of the young people struggling to find their way and Eastpoint is a safe place to discuss things that are killing our society. There are several small groups and classes. Some of the topics are

Fred Thompson
financial, suicide support, grief management, drug addiction, alcohol abuse are just a few, not to mention some of the other life groups that are designed to help get in relationship with Jesus. Services are Sundays at 9:00 or 11:00 am. Fun and energetic children’s program offered at all services! Curious about what to expect? Click here. They are having a Young Adults Gathering on Thursday night from 7:00p to 8:30p in the Student Lounge at 345 Clarks Pond Parkway South Portland, ME 04106.