04-08-19 Rainy Monday
Part 1: Ray talks briefly about yesterday’s Eastpoint service. He and Debi also talk about the fact that the weather forecast has that four letter word in it, SNOW! Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland joins with information regarding the Mueller Report and the possibility of prosecuting the leaks in Washington.
Part 2: Ray is dumb-founded with Augusta. There is another head-shaking bill that has been proposed….The bill, L.D. 1492 “An Act To Reform Drug Sentencing Laws“, was referred to the Legislature’s Criminal Justice Committee. The bill is sponsored by Rep. Pinny Beebe-Center (D – Rockland), and the proposal would redefine the definition of trafficking under Maine law to allow individuals to possess a larger amount of heroin, cocaine and fentanyl along with distribution materials without that possession being punishable as drug trafficking.
Part 3: Ray is joined by David Jones and they talk about the weather in this short segment.