04-17-19 Pharmaceutical Drugs

Troy Jackson
Part 1: Ray, Roy Lenardson, Debi and Dee Dee are joined by Maine Senate President Troy Jackson. They chat about some of the bills that have come up for a vote. The bulk of the discussion is pharmaceutical drugs. Ray asks him about where the drugs would come from and is it legal. Ray asks about the initial investment to store and distribute the drugs. Can Maine companies get their prescriptions filled by out of country websites like CANRX. Troy says that DC isn’t doing anything to help lower the cost of prescription drugs so states need to do something. Ray talks about funding asylum seekers and the way that works and compares that to pharmaceutical market.
Part 2: Ray and Roy talk about Notre Dame and how the whole world is working together to rebuild it.

Shibbar Safdar
Part 3: Roy brings in some people to continue the discussion on drug importation. Shabbir Safdar is the Executive Director of The Partnership for Safe Medicines as well as Former Retired Superintendent Chief of Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Don Bell. They talk about how the counterfeit market is alive and thriving and pharmacy drugs are being cut with fentanyl. They inform us about just how dangerous it is. They tell a story about how Don is allergic to shellfish, but he can’t get a epi-pen in Canada, SO….how do they sell to the US. Ray explains why people are flocking to the “black Market” of pharmaceutical drugs.

Don Bell
Part 4: Ray continues his discussion with Shabbir, Don and Roy on the counterfeit drugs being sold on the websites. Roy encourages everyone to visit SafeMedicines.Org to learn the truth for yourself. Don explains where Canada gets their drugs and how they keep them so cheap. They take a call from someone with experience from Bristol England and Shabbir answers the caller concerns.
Part 5: Ray, Roy and Debi continue to speak about how important these things are to know and why does Ray know more about the bills that the people in the Legislature knows about them….Ray answers…..he does the work to know….

Lori Parham
Part 6: Ray, Roy and Debi take a call from Lori Parham of AARP Maine. She calls in from Louisiana because she is at a conference aging. They continue the talking about how Americans pay the highest prescription drug prices in the world, and costs are rising four times as fast as overall inflation. They also discuss the importation of drugs into Maine. The AARP Maine is hosting community conversations to address the high cost of prescription drugs. If you would like to learn more, Click Here to find a meeting near you. Lori stresses that we need to lift the veil and look at all aspects of the manufacturing and drug importation to lower prescription drug costs.