Part 1: Ray is all over the place. He starts with Former Vice President Joe Biden has thrown his hat into the ring of Democratic Presidential hopefuls, this makes the count 20. Then Ray gets onto the plastic bags issue. Michigan Lt. Gov. Brian Calley signed a ban on plastic bags — it’s a ban on banning plastic bags. This leads to our Maine Legislature and their efforts to ban plastic bags statewide. Ray explains why this is such a big deal. It isn’t about the plastic bags, it is about the rigid ideology.
Part 2: Ray gives the line up of some of the guests for this morning’s show. He continues the thought about people that are elected confusing GOV and GOD. Former State Rep and Lobsterman Wayne Parry calls in to discuss plastic bags and the bill in the Legislature that when you get your Maine Driver’s License, you are automatically are enrolled to vote.
Part 3: Ray and Bob Witkowski of Visit Portland and author of 100 Things to do in Portland Maine Before You Die welcome Charles Reichblum, aka “Dr. Knowledge” to share some of the most fascinating things that you probably didn’t know. You can check out his book “The All-Time Book of Fascinating Facts” at Request an autograph copy as well on his website. You can also find it on Amazon.
Part 5: Ray and Bob talk about how age makes a difference in your thought process. The boys talk about the presidential elections and personalities. Would they have gotten elected if certain things had been known about them.
Part 7: Ray is once again after the Portland Press Herald and an Editorial they ran about Maine Sen. Troy Jackson’s bills L.D. 1272 would create a wholesale importation program for the whole state, to give Mainers access to the drugs at Canadian prices, typically 30 percent less than in the States. The other bill, L.D. 1387, would create a program for individuals to purchase drugs from Canada without violating federal law. Ray reminds people where Canada gets these drugs.
Part 8: Ray plays Joe Biden’s Presidential Candidate Video Announcement. He and Bob discuss the claims and comments in the video. They take a call from Tony.
Part 9: Ray and Bob talk 100 Things To Do In Portland Before You Die. The Avengers movie that is coming out this weekend. They also talk about a bill to allow so-called “elder parole” in New York has gained momentum. This bill would allow the New York state parole board to consider granting parole to inmates over the age of 55 regardless of the conviction.
Part 10: Ray talks to News Center Maine’s Pat Callaghan. Pat describes some of his trip to Ireland. He and Ray chat about Brexit. They also talk about all of the Democratic Presidential Hopefuls, especially Mayor Peter Buttigieg. He is a former Naval Intelligence Office and has a lot of the things that the Democrats support. They also talk about Beto O’Rourke and 76-year-old Joe Biden.
Part 11: The “boys” talk about the Avengers movie and the Stan Lee world that he created. Ray tells Pat about Tripp and his love for them as well and what creative world.