Part 1: Ray remembers John “Hondo” Havlicek. He then heads to Crazytown. He talks about the political race and all of the people that have joined the fray. He does some comparisons of past and present scenarios.
Part 2: Ray talks about the Food Shaming Bill that will be heading to the Gov. She is expected to sign this bill.
Part 3: Ray is in a Key West frame of mind….then he talks about the Mueller Report and how all roads will eventually lead to Pres. Obama. He talks about the emails and text messages.
Part 4: Ray welcomes Shawn Moody to chat this morning about the division between the Maine Legislature and the Maine business community. Shawn talks about getting back to the “risk/reward” model of the American Dream. Maine’s government isn’t helping the small businesses. Ray talks about the government (elected folks) thinking anybody that owns a business is a fat-cat and they need to “protect” employees.
Part 5: Ray gives this short segment to Shawn. He talks about the rainy day fund that is getting smaller and smaller. Ray tells the audience about Rep. Jeff Timberlake’s wall of bills.
Part 6: Ray and Shawn talk about Rowe Auto Group and Wally Camp. This leads to the discussion of what the successful businesses have in common…personal character. Ray reads a text from Arthur who names “Billy Bob”. Ray also reads a text from Sen. Bill Diamond, who tells Ray how much the budget has grown. Shawn talks about the bond proposal. Ray stresses that the Maine line sign’s slogan can’t happen because people aren’t going to move to a state that is not prospering.
Part 7: Ray talks about US Senator Susan Collins and clears up why he is supporting her. Her vote to support Judge Kavanaugh for the Superior Court. Her staff was being threatened. She believes in the Constitution and voted for the bedrock principle of our Nation, “innocent until proven guilty”. Ray reminds people of the work Pres. Trump has been doing to get the innocent until proven guilty back into our courtrooms.
Part 8: Ray reminds the audience about Rep. Sara Gideon’s past few years as Speaker of the Maine House. She was rude to anyone that didn’t agree with her and disrespectful to the sitting Governor.
Part 9: Ray reads a story from the Washington Post about the state of the National Government. Ray wonders what the Democrats will have to go after now…economy is good, there was no collusion, so what will the next thing be? Ray defines what a tax refund really is and why yours might be smaller.
Part 10: Ray talks about immigration and does a Facebook Live during this segment. DACA and what is being done with Southern border. There is a crisis. He talks about big business and who really wants fix this problem.