05-03-19 TGIF
Part 1: Ray starts off with a brief preview of today’s show. Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland joins him to discuss the mess in Washington. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., mocked US Attorney General Barr’s absence by eating a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken and using a ceramic chicken he dubbed “Chicken Barr” as a chair holder. Rachel and Ray also talked about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accusing Attorney General William Barr of committing a crime by lying to Congress about Robert Mueller’s report/letter.
Part 2: Ray continues with his thoughts about yesterday’s hearing. Should the Attorney General be questioned by the Judiciary Committee members’ staff members. This is a total lack of respect and Barr said no. Ray explains how our government works and is set up.
Part 3: JJ Jeffery joins us to give a plug on an event happening in South Portland at Wainwright Sports Complex. They are holding a New Moon Sky Party on Sat. May 4th (weather permitting) from 9pm -10pm. He also tells us about the Kids Are Alright Children’s Concert. MO Nichols will be a Rines Auditorium at Portland’s Maine Library on May 4 from 10:30am-11:30am.
Part 4: Ray explains how the economy works. He talks about jobs, interest rates, recession, house payment….Ray gives details. He talks about how businesses in America is fighting our government that is being run by people that have never signed the front of a check and don’t know what it’s like to worry about whether that check will have money behind it.
Part 5: Ray plays a clip from an Alabama State Sen John Rogers, (D-Birningham). Rogers is quoted as saying “Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later. You bring them in the world unwanted, unloved, you send them to the electric chair. So, you kill them now or you kill them later,”. This was his rebuttal to the Republican-controlled House in Alabama overwhelming approving a bill that would make it a felony to perform an abortion at any stage of a pregnancy — with a sole exemption for women whose health is at risk. The measure passed with a 74-3 vote. The bill will now advance to the state Senate. Ray speaks to the “right” to have an abortion and why isn’t the Governor all up in arms about the people not being able to afford a gun and giving them out for free because it is a “Constitutional Right”.
Part 6: Ray talks to a caller about the abortion issue and some of the other crazy ideas. Ray talks about we need to stand tall and work hard to make sure that we vote this radical, “hippy-dippy” crowd in Augusta out of office. Ray calls on all Republicans to BE BOLD!
Part 7: Ray takes a call from Gordon Draper, Maine Patriot PAC, to want to know if Ray is going to be okay. Ray is really frustrated with the direction the Governor is steering our precious Maine and he doesn’t understand why there aren’t more like-minded people aren’t speaking out against the left wing wackies.