Part 1: Rachel Sutherland of Fox News Radio opens up the show this morning. She and Ray discuss Attorney General Barr and the contempt vote that might happen against him. They also talk about the release of President Trump’s tax returns. Ray worries that our country is at a pre-Civil War dissension level. Ray and Debi continue to chat about the Senate’s rules.
Part 2: Ray touches on one of the ideas from yesterday. He points out the differences between Georgia and Maine. Stacey Abrams still hasn’t conceded her Governor’s race, but if she were in office the law that Gov. Brian Kemp signed into law a so-called “heartbeat” bill, banning abortion as early as six weeks into pregnancy. Ray gives a little bit of background and tells what Maine want to enact.
Part 3: Ray talks about hatred toward President Donald Trump and the political crowd that is out of control. He talks about the what the biased media will do to get him out of office. The fact that the NY Times would release person’s personal tax returns without their permission is unconscionable. We do have a right while he holds office.
Part 4: Ray starts off with the story out of the Washington Examiner about Presidential Candidate and US Sen. Cory Booker’s announcement of his plans that all gun owners be licensed by the federal government. They are trying to slowly take away all of your rights and they are doing it subtly and Ray uses the description of the frog in the boiling water to describe the process. (Due to technical difficulties, the audio is not available.) Part 5: Ray talks about Democrat Presidential hopeful Kirsten Gillibrand’s promise that, if elected president, she’ll only appoint Supreme Court justices who will support the Roe v. Wade decision.
Part 6: Ray offers to take calls. First one is about Sen. Cory Booker and holding him accountable for his statements. Ray asks him how does he propose we do that. He and Ray discuss what we need to do is to stand in unison. Ray gives an example of what his is talking about. Our rights are being slowly whittled down and we need to pay attention and stand together and take the battle to the people.
Part 7: Ray takes another call that wants to hold the elected folks accountable for lying. Ray explains why they aren’t. The liberal media are on their side and won’t question anything that they say.
Part 8: Ray welcomes State Director, Lori Parham of AARP Maine and Amy Goyer, AARP’s Family & Caregiving Expert. Amy tells her story of how she got involved and her personal experiences.
Part 9: The panel takes a call who says that a caregiver needs: Brains, Brawn and Heart. Amy has written a couple of books to help and support caregivers.