05-15-19 Wound Up Wednesday!
Part 1: Ray is wound up this morning over the votes in Augusta yesterday! Those radical elected Maine Senate folks voted to enact Maine LD 820, the taxpayer funded abortion bill by a vote of 19 to 16. Click here for the roll call vote.
Part 2: Ray is joined by Rachel Sutherland of Fox News Radio. They chat about US Attorney Gen. Barr starting an investigation into the investigation of Trump’s Russian collusion.
Part 3: JJ Jeffrey joins Ray to egg him on, not that he needed much egg. Ray goes back to Augusta and their campaigns. Ray is really wound up and doesn’t understand why the elected folks didn’t tell the truth about their plans when they were running.
Part 4: Ray continues with his thoughts on the palm cards and commercials that Gov. Mills ran along with some of the other people that are up in Augusta. We didn’t vote for these ideas and they never ran on them.
Part 5: Ray goes into detail about the so called intelligence in Augusta. The Maine Legislature voted on May 14th on legislation that will essentially kill the Electoral College in favor of the popular vote. He is really disappointed and mad that they have voted to give our vote away. He questions whether or not they know what they have truly done.
Part 6: Ray goes on about how the elected folks are not anything special. Ray is telling the truth and he calls them out as liars. He wants everyone to BE BOLD! Trent England joins Ray by phone. He is the director of Save Our States, a project of the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs. They discuss the trend and push to change the Constitution.
Part 7: Ray welcomes Colonel David Hunt. He has over 29 years of military experience, including extensive operational experience in Special Operations, Counter Terrorism and Intelligence Operations. They plug an event to recognize and celebrate Maine’s High School Seniors that have decided to go into military service instead of college happening on May 17th. For more information, contact Ray at ray@wlobradio.com. This is open to any branch of military. Ray asks Col. Hunt his opinion about current events.
Part 8: Ray welcomes friend Jon Decker of Fox News Radio. They talk about things happening in Washington. How are President Trump’s new tariffs on China going to affect business.
Part 9: Ray tells his audience now is the time to BE BOLD!!! He explains why it is important to get informed and what we might be doing next. He talks about the “government” not being an equalizer, but a suppressor. Ray takes a walk down history with examples on what our government’s role has been in lifting our citizens up.
Part 10: Ray continues with his thoughts about how to win the argument. There is no truth in the media. Ray gives a couple of examples of his ideas of things in his BE BOLD!!!