Part 1: Ray reminds people that it is Memorial Day Weekend. He reminds the audience that it isn’t just about the cookouts, but about the brave men and women that have given as Abraham Lincoln said in the Gettysburg Address, “It is rather for us here dedicated to the great task remaining before us, that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion.” Fox News Radio’s Simon Owen brings us the latest news from “Across the Pond”. U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May announced this morning that she would be resigning following three years of failing to solidify Brexit. She would resign effective June 7 and that the process to select a successor should begin the following week. Simon and Ray chat about her announcement and the ramifications and future of Brexit.
Part 2: Ray plays a clip from a President Reagan speech. Ray brings back Maine State Rep. Brownie Carson’s bill, LD 640, to our attention. He talks about how there are more efficient, cleaner ways to get our energy, but the Dems aren’t interested in any of that….
Part 3: Ray plays “We are Family” and then talks about how if we continue with the releasing more documents and how the Democrats are scared of what is really going to come out. “Hopefully, everyone will find out what I know….all roads will lead right to President Obama.”
Part 4: Ray reminds the audience about the Honor Flight Maine remote that will be held on Saturday at Rowe Ford Westbrook. He welcomes Shawn Moody in studio and Shawn gets to brag on Moody’s Collision. The boys talk about the benefits of an employee owned company. Shawn tells us that Moody’s belongs to the ESOP Association and Shawn explains what this organization is and what they do. He share that they enter their poster as Moody’s does every year, but this year they were a finalist so when they unveiled the winner, it was Moody’s, which was a surprise.
Part 5: Ray and Shawn discuss President Trump and Ray starts throwing out “C” words again. Collusion, cronies, cover-up…he talks about Comey and Manafort and the reason that they are sitting in jail for other reasons other than their dealings with Trump.
Part 6: Ray and Shawn discuss Memorial Day traditions and Gorham and Westbrook’s parades and events. Ray asks Shawn about State Rep. Brownie Carson’s bill LD 640. Ray reminds everyone what it is and that this is kind of like changing the rules in the middle of the game. Shawn gives his opinion on the CMP Corridor deal. He feels there has been no negotiation. Right now the focus is on whether it is a yes or no, not what is best for Maine. This is a great debate on the issue. Ray feels one way and Shawn feels another, but both approve in concept of the corridor.
Part 7: Ray welcomes Laurie Sidelinger of Honor Flight Maine. They are holding events at Rowe Ford. They have two locations, Westbrook and Auburn, and they will be representation at both locations to bring awareness of their organization. She invites everyone to come out and celebrate all Veterans on Saturday. She describes what Honor Flight Maine is all about and their goal. She has a sense of urgency to find WWII veterans that are left that haven’t had a chance to go down to Washington. Ray will be at Rowe Westbrook and Dave Dale will be at Rowe Auburn. For more information visit: Ray heads back to the discussion that he and Shawn had about the CMP Corridor and Ray reiterates his stance that this is an over-reach of government.
Part 8: Ray continues his thoughts with Honor Flight and gives some of the stories from last year’s remote from Rowe Ford Westbrook.
Part 9: Ray compares Alabama Governor Kay Ivey and Maine Gov. Janet Mills. Governor Ivey passed the most strict law against abortion and Maine’s Governor has the most lenient by allowing medical personnel, (not necessarily a doctor) He takes a call from frequent caller Larry and Larry describes a family member’s treasured personal items from the war. (No audio is available) Part 10: Ray plays Lee Greenwood’s song “God, Bless The USA” and reminds people why we have Memorial Day. It is a day to honor our fallen soldiers, not just a day for a picnic. He takes a call from Arthur Langley reminds that our uniformed men and women have been sacrificing for our citizens and that includes the unborn.