Part 1: Ray starts out with a lot on his plate this morning. First up, he gives a brief thought on Brexit and Trump. This leads to a discussion with Debi Davis and Dee Dee Richardson about a couple of the Democratic hopefuls. He points out some of the comments by Kirsten Gillibrand at the Fox News Town Hall about the NRA and abortion. They also talk about Corey Booker’s bribe for votes.
Part 2: David Jones joins in the conversations. They discuss the wonderful antics of Governor Mills and the elected people that are giving our rights away and imposing their crazy ideas. Then, they discuss how cold it was this weekend and David’s granite pool.
Part 3: The weather was discussed and how cold it is….short segment.
Part 4: Ray and David discuss praying for the President. Ray tells David that he has always prayed for our elected people and military every day at the dinner table and in his daily prayers. This leads to David saying that they should let prayers back into the schools. Ray talks about churches that are preaching in the culture of the moment are struggling, but the churches that are teaching the Bible and uses it as the foundation of their message are thriving. They talk about the “Welcome to Illinois, where you can get a safe, legal abortion,” sign from an Illinois abortion facility that makes its living aborting viable, later-term unborn babies has a new billboard advertising to women in Missouri. Ray thanks the guy that came up and spoke to him at church on Sunday.
Part 5: Ray continues his thoughts on abortion and infanticide. Ray talks about the Superior Court and the politics that have been behind their decisions.
Part 6: Ray and David Jones of FO Bailey Real Estate discuss Demetria Chadbourne, 66, passed away on May 29. Demetria was known for her enthusiasm, energy, passion, and love. She loved God, her family and making a difference for others. Ray and David talk about how successful she was in Real Estate and why. They talk about how the market is booming. They discuss how quick things are moving and usually above the asking price because of the demands.
Part 8: Ray and David talk about the message from Eastpoint Christian Church and Jim’s (Ray’s brother in Florida) church message was the same. This leads to how busy Eastpoint is on a daily basis. Ray tells a story about Fred Thompson who was a guest recently was Ordained and why that was special for us. Ray moves on to Franklin Graham’s call for a National Day of Prayer for our President.
Part 9: Ray and David talk about illegals and managing the fact that they don’t have good screening for heath issues and communicable diseases. Gordon Draper calls in to talk about the border and the need for wall. He points out that the government has even stopped private citizens building one.
Part 10: Ray reads the Fox News story about the PBS show Arthur. A Methodist church in Alabama plans to screen the controversial episode of “Arthur” that featured a same-sex marriage that Alabama Public Television refused to air last month. The episode of “Arthur,” titled “Mr. Ratburn and the Special Someone,” aired nationally on May 13. In it, Arthur attends the wedding of his teacher and his partner. Ray and David continue to talk about the values. Part 11: Ray announces big news. Apple is phasing out iTunes. Ray reads the story. This leads to the discussion on the Apple Watch.