Part 1: Ray, Debi Davis and Dee Dee discuss the weather. Ray talks about President Trump’s London visit. He is so disappointed that Americans are protesting the American President as he is on foreign soil.
Part 2: Ray, Debi and David Jones praise Demetria Chadbourne, 66, who passed away on May 29. She was known for her enthusiasm, energy, passion, and love. She loved God, her family and making a difference for others. Ray mentions that he was surprised that there wasn’t a tribute story about her in the paper because she was a national trailblazer in her field of real estate.
Part 3: Ray and David discuss the upcoming budget and whether or not there will be government shutdowns.
Part 4: Ray and David welcome Garrett Mason in studio and Ben Dudley by phone. They have a conversation the CMP (Central Maine Power) Connect that has been proposed to run through Maine from Canada to Massachusetts. He is the Director of Mainers for Clean Energy Jobs. It is a coalition of organizations and individuals who support the New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC). They try to dispel some of the myths concerning this project. There have been three in depth and broad studies done on the affects this project would have on the environment. Ray asks about Rep. Brownie Carson’s bill. They talk about the opposition and the secrecy of who they are and who is funding them. In addition to LD 640 “Resolve, To Require a Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions from the Proposed Central Maine Power Company Transmission Corridor”), LD 1363 “An Act Regarding Energy Transmission Corridors” and LD 1383 “An Act To Amend Maine’s Municipal Land Use and Eminent Domain Laws Regarding Transmission and Distribution Utilities”. Ray describes how these bills are bad for business. It isn’t fair to change the rules of the game in the middle of the game. This bill is designed to only affect this one project.
Part 5: Ray and Garrett discuss Augusta. Garrett says that he was having a conversation and that person pointed out that this Legislature is just a “Culture of Death” There are so many bills pushing death, either before they are born or at the end of their life. Ray points out that there is no consistency in the bills. As an example, on one hand we can’t tell you what to do with your body, women need to have a choice, but on the other hand, we need to make immunization mandatory. (Audio Not Available) Part 6: Ray asks Garrett about the Maine Legislature. They take a detour to Moxie Day and the Parade. They finally get back to Augusta. The boys talk about the Republican strategy of not getting their message out. Ray says that they need to teach the new elected folks how to talk to media. They can be helpful to you and shouldn’t be scared of.
Part 7: Ray and the boys welcome Dr. Demi Kouzounas. She is the Chair of the Maine Republican Party. Ray asks her about her cousin, Demetria Chadbourne. Demi gives some memories.
Part 8: Ray and the Panel welcome by phone, Republican National Committee’s Marc Lotter Director, Strategic Communications – Trump 2020 Campaign. He talks about how President Trump has lived up to his campaign promises. He gives some of the specific examples. Garrett asks him about Vice President Mike Pence.
Part 9: David, Demi and Ray discuss Hillary Clinton. Will she run or not? Look at all of the mess she has been involved in and yet she has the nerve to call out the President and say that he need to be in jail.
Part 10: The panel discuss common decency. The manners and courtesy of the way we speak and social media. They talk about how the left blame their action on Trump’s actions. This brings Ray’s thoughts to the Virginia Beach tragedy shooting and how the Virginia Governor now wants to take the guns. A Constitutional right! Demi (tongue and cheek) says that if we say that stealing is illegal, we could leave our house unlocked. They use Chicago as an example on how a gun-free state doesn’t work. This leads to Gov. Mills and the Ray claiming discrimination on Maine’s abortion laws.
Part 11: Demi talks about how Money talks. She explains how…the first and the last years are the most expensive of a person’s life. Why is a puppy’s life more important and worth fighting for, but a small helpless human baby isn’t.