Part 1: Debi Davis, Dee Dee Richardson and Ray discuss trivial stuff…sports, wrestle Mania, and the rain and Ray’s morning walk. Ray previews the show. Fox News Radio’s Eben Brown will call in with an update on Big Papi’s condition and what happened to the shooter. Ray and Debi discuss the Maine State budget and the Abortion Bill that Gov. Mills signed yesterday. Debi says that it needs to go to a vote and not just decided by the legislature.
Part 2: Ray reads a sign that he saw in the Old Port on Saturday. Ray and Debi talk about how the left side of the isle didn’t hang their heads in shame and didn’t stop working, they took a step back, regrouped and took to the front lines and took to the fight at all directions.
Part 3: Ray gives a quick rundown of the who could be here this morning. Ray, Debi and Dee Dee are joined by David Jones.
Part 4: Ray opens this segment with Neil Diamond’s song “Coming to America” and they continue with what it means to become and American. Not just come to America as a relocation and use our resources, but to embrace our rules and laws. They left where they were because it wasn’t working, so why come to America to re-create what they left. David brings up religion and the prayers in school, and Dee Dee talks about The Pledge of Allegiance. Why don’t the people that support the people that don’t want to assimilate into our country and are using precious resources all while ignoring our own.
Part 5: Ray and David talk about the Abortion Bill that was just signed by the Governor. It will allow non-doctors to perform one.
Part 6: Demi Kouzounas joins the partay. They chat for a minute, then State Senator Jeff Timberlake calls in to talk about the budget again with an update. Ray brings up Former Speaker of the Maine House (2000-2002) Mike Saxl and his role in corralling the Democrats. They talk about revenue sharing and some of the other details of the budget. They also talk about homestead exemptions.
Part 7: Former Gubernatorial Candidate Terry Hayes joins the Panel this morning. Ray states upfront that that he disagrees with why she is here, but will listen with an open mind. Open primaries are up for discussion in this segment. Terry gives her opinion of why she supports this idea. Ray questions her about why not just join a party if she wants a say in the primary party’s vote. David and Demi asks her some questions. This leads to an interesting discussion between Terry, Demi, David and Ray. For more information visit to read more about Terry’s position.
Part 8: The panel takes a call who had a question/comment for Terry Hayes. Ray kind of answers the comment. the caller asks if the Democrat party is the “party of anything goes”. They take a call from Fox News Radio’s Eben Brown to give an update on Former Red Sox beloved player David Ortiz, the “Big Papi”. He is now in Boston and Eben says that this will be a long recovery. Also, they talk about the guy being a coward to shoot him in the back and how he was caught and “taken care of” before turning him over to police. They take a call from Larry who says that the discussion with Terry was really good and she was respectful and was enjoyable to listen to the debate.
Part 9: Demi says that we should go back to the ’60’s. Peace, Love and Dope. Ray talks about Maine being the culture of death. Demi points out several things that you can’t do until you turn 18, get a tattoo, fluoride on teeth, give an aspirin or anything else at school, ear piercing, but you can get an abortion or get a prescription with the Death with Dignity. They take a call to end the show.