Part 1: Ray talks about the bump music by Lauren Daigle. He talks about the Maine House passed a local option sales tax. He reminds the audience of Gov. Mills’ promise not to raise taxes so will she sign it or will she veto. Ray points out the vote count and notices that there were some that didn’t show up for work. Former Rep. Steve Moriarty beat “KC” Kevin C. Hughes for House District 45 seat.
Part 2: Ray talks about the difference between a journalist and an editorial. He talks about Jim Acosta, Rachel Maddox, Rush Limbaugh and himself. He goes into how we as Americans have allowed the media to blur those lines. We need to start to rise up and make our voice heard and hold media accountable for what they print.
Part 3: Ray and JJ talk about WLOB’s new addition. Joe Pags joins our lineup from 6pm to 8pm Monday through Friday.
Part 4: Ray has a little diversion. He talks about the fear of our fore-fathers about government would over-take our freedoms. Ray re-poses a question from Eastpoint‘s Fred Thompson about Fatherhood. He talks about how important it is to have a father in your children’s lives as they grow up. He gives examples of what he means. He asks people to call in, text or email the question of “What did you learn from your Father?” He takes a great call and with an awesome story of a Father’s love.
Part 5: Ray praises the group of King and Country. Ray talks about the Women’s World Cup. USA played yesterday against Thailand and won 13-0. He takes a call from a woman, who details what her Father taught her. She is blessed to have him still and learned not only from his words, but also through his actions.
Part 6: Ray plays a cool song from Mercy Me. State Senator Jeff Timberlake joins Ray by phone to discuss the rising budget. This leads to the discussion of LD 820. In an unexpected move by the Appropriations Committee, the Tax-Funded Abortion Bill (LD 820) will be sent to the House tomorrow to debate funding for this bill. Please call and tell your Representative to vote NO on LD 820. We also anticipate the Senate to vote on LD 820 tomorrow. When you call, leave a message with your name, your town, and tell your Representative and Senator to vote NO on LD 820. House 800-423-2900 Senate 800-423-6900. They move on to immigration and Portland Mayor Ethan Strimling has been saying “come here, come here” now there is a huge influx and Strimling is now asking for help to pay for them.
Part 7: Ray takes a call about the Maine’s CDC Director and how he sat back in his old job and let Legionnaires’ disease, a bacteria causing a pneumonia-type infection, run rampant.
Part 8: Ray talks about the …. he takes another call from Gordon Draper about the question on voting for the school budgets. Gordon thinks that this is a coordinated effort to take control out of the citizens’ hands.
Part 9: Ray reads the quote. He takes a call. Who has several points, one being a shout out to Jon Stewart chastising Congress for those that were not in attendance for the 9/11 funding vote, the other topic was finding a good candidate to run in Congressional District 1 to get Chellie Pingree out.
Part 10: Ray talks about Game 7 of the Stanley Cup is tonight. He talks about the Bruins. He talks about Justin (our future son-in-law) and his love of hockey and the Bruins. He tells a story about his mama and her first hockey game with the Portland Pirates. He goes back to the relationship and role that fathers have with their children. He takes a call about how alcohol can ruin families and how it effected him. He says that we don’t do enough to protect society from abuse. Ray offers to go to him.
Part 11: Tracy Chapman’s Fast Cars opens the segment. Ray thanks the callers for calling in and sharing their stories. Ray explains the origin of the question that he posed on Facebook and today’s show. He tells us that Eastpoint Church posed the question and then gives his answer and Dee Dee’s answer. He takes a call from Larry who talks about his Father.