Part 1: Ray and Debi have a discussion about LD 1313. This leads to further discussions about the role of government. They disagree on the first topic and agree on the second.
Part 2: Ray says that he feels that the Governor has lost her perspective. She reveres science except when it comes to a baby in the womb.
Part 4: Ray and Bob welcome Maine State Senator Jeff Timberlake. He has an update on the happenings in Augusta. He reports who voted on what. They talk about how the State of Maine will be able to pay for all that they have promised without raising taxes. The Senator says that he will not be voting for the budget. Ray emphasizes that the voters are getting what they voted for.
Part 5: Ray talks about Roy “Bernie” Clark. He owned Bernie’s Auto and he and Bob have a great discussion about him and his vast knowledge of cars. Unfortunately, Bernie passed away suddenly at the young age of 53. He and Bob are joined by Dave Ciullo of Career Management Services and Dale Carnegie Maine, he also hosts The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio. Today is Dave’s birthday and he is 55. The boys discuss AARP flyers and membership. Bob asks him about birthday days off. This leads to a discussion on Paid Days Off (PTO). Bob sings Happy Birthday in his very best Marilyn Monroe.
Part 6: Ray takes a call in regard to Dave Ciullo’s comments about AARP. He wanted to let Ray and his audience about an organization similar to the AARP, but are more conservative. They are AMAC. Ray explains the partnership that WLOB and AARP Maine have. Ray explains that the AARP Maine doesn’t do the hard politics, but are more invested in educating, whether it is about issues or fraud issues.
Part 7: Ray announces that Waskom, Texas will become a sanctuary city for the Unborn. He welcomes Carroll Conley with the Christian Civic League of Maine. They discuss LD 1313 and the slippery slope that this legislation will provide. They both agree that all live is precious. Ray points out that all of the people that throw science out for climate change and other issues dear to them, but seem to dismiss the science that the science is there to prove that the baby growing inside of a woman has separate DNA and heart beating differently than the mother. Carroll throws out some of the other LD’s (ex. LD 820) that have been brought forward.
Part 8: Ray discusses Adam Schiff and his disdain for Pres. Trump. There has only been a one sided investigation into the collusion. Ray talks to a caller, who agrees with what Ray is saying and gives a couple of ideas.
Part 9: Ray talks about the direction that our state and country are heading. He takes a call from Bill of Casco and he wishes his granddaughter a happy birthday! He tells Ray a story about his mother-in-law.