Part 1: Joe Bruno and Mark Reilly and Ray are a little wound up this morning. So apparently Ethan Strimling, Mayor of Portland Maine, has welcomed with open arms some of the immigrants coming in to America. However, he has done nothing to prepare for the influx of people. Joe explains the ripple effect that will happen.
Part 2: Ray talks about the dis-service that Ethan Strimling has done to the people coming to Portland. He is not prepared and the boys also talk about the other Mayors and their crazy ideas. Ray tells a story about how he and Ethan were discussing public policy on a political TV segment and Ethan’s response to a question Ray posed was to tell Ray to get a suit coat that fits.
Part 3: Ray, Mark and Joe discuss golfing….
Part 4: Mark had to go to work, but Joe and Ray welcome State Rep. Nate Wadsworth and Auburn Mayor Jason J. Levesque in studio and State Senator Jeff Timberlake discuss the National Vote. Joe asks him about the budget and whether or not there will be a vote on it. Ray explains that there has to be a 2/3 vote in order to pass. Ray points out that this is the largest budget in history. Nate gives a road map of how we got to this budget. Jason talks about the priority in Maine and that the Republicans have to stand together in unison as a caucus. The first vote on the budget is today. Ray points out that Governor Mills has broken every campaign promise she made. The boys agree and expand on this thought. Ray asks Jeff about the bond.
Part 5: Ray continues the discussion about the people coming to Portland with Joe Bruno and State Sen. Nate Wadsworth and Auburn Mayor Jason Levesque. Ray asks how are the actions and words on Mayor Strimling responsible. We don’t have the infrastructure to take care of the immigrants he has invited. Jason gives his opinions about this as a Mayor and also talks about the state of Maine’s responsibility. They talk about the health of state is in jeopardy. They will all need to be immunized and who is going to pay for that? Jason points out that this is just like Greece several years ago. Ray says that this is an American Crisis and our Leaders need to recognize that there is a problem. Our leaders need to lead.
Part 6: Ray and the boys continue the conversation on Portland. Jason has the parting shot.
Part 7: Ray, Joe and Jason continue to discuss the budget and how they “cut” a budget all the while raise the total. After the discussion of how that is done, Ray brings up the bill that Governor Mills just signed into law, LD 1313 Death with Dignity. He reads section 20 about how it isn’t suicide. He talks about the slippery slope. They talk about the morality of government.
Part 8: Auburn Mayor Jason Levesque promotes his beautiful town. Auburn is celebrating their 150th Anniversary. Jason points out that there are a lot of really great things that are happening.
Part 9: Ray and Joe take a call about the slippery slope of the Death with Dignity. This is a long discussion with this caller. The boys take another call about the wording of this Death with Dignity. The caller points out that the drugs that are needed are hard to get. Ray continues to say that he doesn’t know what happened to the Janet Mills that he used to know, because the Attorney General that he knew, was always for justice.
Part 10: Ray and Joe end the show with a couple of calls. First caller talks about how this is just going to erode the family and pit family members against each other when they should be leaning on each other. Ray brings up Elizabeth Warren who is releasing a new plan to eliminate student debt.