Part 1: Ray, Dee Dee and Debi Davis talk about Father’s Day. Then Ray gets into the weeds. The elected people in Augusta passed a two-year budget deal barely below Governor Mills’ original $8 billion proposal, but not much.The House voted 103-48 and the Senate voted 25-9 Friday. They talk about the elected folks not standing up and this leads to a discussion about property tax relief.
Part 2: Debi, Dee Dee and Ray discuss President Trump’s casual comments. The media is going crazy about Pence running for President and whether or not President Trump will endorse him in 2024. The media has lost their minds with a lot to do about nothing. Apparently, they have in their mind that Trump will be petitioning to stay in office.
Part 3: Ray starts off with the $8 Billion budget. JJ comes back in to talk about the Ogunquit Playhouse’s production of Jersey Boys.
Part 4: Ray starts off this segment with song…..he talks about how crazy things are up in Augusta. $7,998 Billion (but not $8) Ray explains what they wanted to spend. The working people are going to pay for this craziness one way or another. This brings up Socialism and the candidates and elected folks that are pushing it forward. He talks about AOC and Elizabeth Warren. He reminds people to look at Venezuela and see how Socialism is working for them.
Part 5: Ray talks plays real song of the song he came up with the new lyrics to in the previous segment. Ray talks about the tensions with Iraq and how their actions my take us to war and how Washington is going react.
Part 6: Ray welcomes Maine State Senator Jeff Timberlake by phone to discuss the $8 Billion State two year budget that was just passed. They talk about the NCCI, The National Council on Compensation Insurance is the nation’s most experienced provider of workers compensation information. Ray ask Jeff how we can get the truth. Jeff says that they are calling Roll Calls on the majority of the bills so that people will know who is voting for what. Jeff points to the work on the Worker’s Comp. vote. They discuss the personal threats that have happened to his family and business. They chat about some of the other craziness and Ray asks about the Electoral Vote.
Part 7: Ray welcomes by phone USM President Glenn Cummings. He has graciously stepped up and opened up the dorms to help with the influx of the immigrants coming into the Portland area. Portland Mayor said send them up and made no preparations to take care of their needs. President Cummings explains how the college came up with their plan. However, it is only a temporary measure. There will be students returning in August. Glenn talks about how the school isn’t paying for this out of their budget. Glenn also talks about his ancestors trek to Maine and how some people helped even if it was minuscule and how others slammed their door in their face.
Part 8: Ray takes a call from Gordon Draper. He tells Ray some of the Facebook posts he had made and the response to them. Ray talks about the texts about Ray going soft. Ray talks about Ethan Strimling once again doing anything for a vote. Ray also says that using these people coming to Portland Area as a political pawn is wrong. These people are here and have to have a place to stay. Ray takes another call who asks about the medical well being of these people and how are we protected if they have a communicable disease. People wishing to help the asylum seekers can text EXPO to 91999 or visit a website the city created for donations. United Way also has a site for people who would like to volunteer, visit a website the United Way has created. The city still says people should not show up at the Expo unless they have received a volunteer assignment. Anyone who shows up at the shelter without a volunteer assignment will be turned away.
Part 9: Ray continues the discussion on the Immigrant crisis. Ray talks about Westbrook’s City Council having this on their agenda. Ray says that this shouldn’t be taxpayer monies that have already been allocated to other priorities. This should be on individual hearts to give and lend a helping hand. He takes a call about the national crisis immigration has become.