Part 1: Ray, Dee Dee and Debi discuss last night’s Democratic “Debate”. They talk about some of the candidates and their thoughts on how to improve America. They talk about Cory Booker and his racist comments about the black and brown communities.
Part 2: Ray, Debi Davis and Dee Dee discuss the First Lady of New York City, Chirlane Irene McCray. She is married to NYC Mayor, Bill de Blasio after Ray gets a text about him labeling her as a lesbian before she married Bill. Somehow this leads to a discussion about immigration and the cots down in the Expo in Portland. This makes Debi think of Wayfair and their employees.
Part 4: Ray and Bob discuss the song by the Mavericks that he plays for the bumb, Come to Me. Ray tells a couple of the stories. Ray and Bob talk about Sherman’s Bookstore in Portland. Bob has a book signing coming up on Saturday,6/29, at Sherman’s Bookstore Portland in Portland at 11:30am. They switch to people dying to come into our country. They talk about the Democrat Debate last night. Somehow Bob talks about lobster salad sells for $100/lb. Ray continues to talk about some of the promises that the Dems are making.
Part 5: Bob tells a story about his family’s experience with the healthcare system in England and New York. They get into the job of the Federal Government and how do they take care of you.
Part 6: Ray welcomes David Ciullo of Career Management Services and Dale Carnegie Maine, he also hosts The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio. Today’s topic is some of the big changes coming into law after this latest legislative session in Augusta. He says that there are several big changes coming down the path. The paid time off, minimum wage some of the other nanny ideas the legislature could come up with. The conversations expands on these issues. David is worried that Maine will be loosing the incentive to bring more business to our state. The boys talk about the high cost of educating our youth and doing business. Ray brings up a couple of different industries that have had to change the way they do business to make them competitive.
Part 7: Ray talks about Eric Trump and the assault on him at a restaurant. Gordon Draper calls in to announce a fundraiser in Freeport for The Jarheads Motorcycle Club, they are active and retired U.S. Marines who do a lot of great things for veterans. While enroute to a charity on 6/21, their bikes collided with a truck head-on. 7 Marines were killed. On Friday, June 28, $1 of every pint will benefit Jarheads MC Go Fund Me fundraiser.
Part 8: Ray talks about the “dark” money of politics. They are against dark money except when it benefits them, he gives several examples of “what’s good for the gander, but not for the goose” philosophies. Ray takes a call about the legalizing of prostitution that Kamala Harris and Charlotte Warren have mentioned. The caller is also not for mixing DNA and that brings a discussion about organ transplants and my body, my choice. Ray goes back to Portland Maine Mayor Ethan Strimling and how he welcomed with open arms the asylum seekers, but made no plans on how he was going to pay for their stay.
Part 9: Ray reads an email about yesterday’s interview with Elaine Greene’s and the story she shared. He then reads a text from a audience member about government’s help. Ray moves on the Wayfair story. The social justice warriors that walked out of work based on misinformation on US “concentration camps”.
Part 10: Ray is joined by News Center Maine’s Pat Callaghan. The discuss last night’s Democratic Debate. They rehash the difficulties in getting to any meat of their campaigns. Pat and Ray both sympathize with the broadcasters and their technical difficulty. They talk about the Maine Senate Race and Maine House Speaker Sarah Gideon’s bid. Ray and Pat talk about Sen. Collins support base and Ray says people like him that have come back to support her. They talk about the Maine RNC Chairman’s Reception being held tonight.
Part 11: The media boys, Ray and Pat, continue their discussion. Pat suggest that people take a look at tonight’s Democratic Debate