Part 1: Ray describes the event we attended last night in Augusta. We attended the Maine RNC’s Chairman’s Reception. He talks about the Democratic Debate that was held and some of the crazy ideas that they have come up with. He reminds people that their votes matter and points out several issues that demonstrate just that.
Part 2: Ray introduces Mighty John Marshall, who gives a tease about his segment coming up. Ray reminds people of some of the crazy things that were said last night. Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland calls in to touch on President Trump’s visit at the G-20 Summit and they quickly hit on the Democratic Debate. (Note: No audio is available.) Part 3: Ray introduces Mighty John Marshall and he gives some of the collectible records to look for while Spring cleaning or attending yard sales. If you would like to find out what your records are worth, check out his website:
Part 4: Ray is joined by the one and only Sen. Susan Collins by phone. She just celebrated her 7,000 consecutive vote. She is in Washington and had a vote yesterday and one today so she had to personally miss last nights reception. She was able to call in and speak to the sold out event. They also talk about how far left’s behavior has become. She recalls the Kavanaugh hearing and the death threats (not just to her, but to her whole staff) that followed her decision. Ray talks about the speech she gave and the “Profile in Courage” moment that it was. They talk about the character of a “girl from the county”. Sen. Collins and Ray talk about Sen. Lindsay Graham and how he standing up and “showing his ire”. Ray asks her about her promise to never miss a vote and she has kept that promise. She explains that she is one of three people in history to have this record. Ray asks her about the border funding vote that the US House voted on last night. She agrees that the asylum seekers and the legal immigrants should be able to work. This would help the communities that are sheltering and supporting them. There are a lot of jobs that would be well suited, especially ones with multiple language needs.
Part 5: Ray reads a text from Mark Reilly about how we are in the fight for our country. Ray explains this statement in a little more depth. Ray takes a call and he agrees wholeheartedly that we have to stand up and say “enough is enough”. Ray takes another call about Senator Collins and how the far left think and act and what makes us different.
Part 6: Ray takes a call and it was Gordon Draper. He talks about a gentleman that he met during physical therapy. Gordon tells us about his conversation with this distinguished veteran. Gordon says proudly that The Ray Richardson Show on WLOB Radio is very pro-military. He also appreciates hearing Senator Susan Collins and what she is doing and her thoughts on immigration.
Part 7: Ray jams to Lynyrd Skynyrd‘s Free Bird. Larry calls in and says he is trying to wrap his head around the transgender paid medical and then they discuss the Joe Biden. Ray says that the problem with Joe is that he is willing to say and do anything to be President. This leads to the current Democrats that are running and how all of them raised their hands that they would give free healthcare to illegals. Somehow, he and Larry end up on the abortion debate.
Part 8: Ray talks about the BE BOLD! initiative. Ray asks that if You believe that You Count! Sign up on the BE BOLD! button. This doesn’t cost anything and you don’t need to do anymore than you are comfortable in participating.
Part 9: Ray rocks out to R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A. from John Mellencamp. He welcomes Nina McLaughlin again. She is the Republican National Committee Communications Director of Maine and New Hampshire. Ray mentions that it we saw her last night at the Maine RNC Chair’s Reception and after she points out that she went home and watched the Debate. She was dumbfounded that all of the people on stage raised their hand to give free healthcare to illegal immigrants. She says that they just have words and they just cram them together to make them sound more socialist. She asks what is women’s care justice. They continue the discussion about the movement toward Victory 2020 and that everyday Mainers are so tired leftist left. Ray says see ya soon to Nina and then takes another call from a listener. He tongue in cheek points out that there are parking signs for expectant moms.
Part 10: Ray talks more about the BE BOLD! initiative. He names some of the people that have signed up to stand up and BE HEARD.